After what both boys described as their "best summer ever", they went back to school last Wednesday. And I went into overload, trying to drop them at school, go to work, pick them up from school, cook dinner, make them do homework, clean, shop. None of it felt good.
Summer came to a crashing halt and so did my good spirit.
Summer came to a crashing halt and so did my good spirit.
All morning in Yoga class, my mind went over the last week's events and why I was so stressed.
And I realized I am a creature of habit, like to know what is going to happen and when. But when raising children and watching them do new things over and over, my need for the continuity must be compromised. As hard as it is, they will not remain 10 and 6 years old forever. They will each struggle in their different ways and I must learn to watch, help when asked and ask for help when needed.
And then I realized that everything usually does work out, with a little extra attention. Maybe the hardest thing is knowing that once again it will all be good, once it feels normal. For a little while at least.
So true. Just a little while, and it will settle into another rhythm. And then another, and another. You'll get your groove, girl.